Where the Concerts Will be Held
Toronto- Air Canada Centre starting at 7 p.m. central time. Tickets are $35
Moscow- The Palace of Entertainment starting at 8 p.m. central time. Tickets are $45
Kampala- Kampala City Hall (outdoors) starting at 8 p.m. central time. Tickets are $15
Port-Au-Prince- downtown Port-Au-Prince (outdoors) starting at 7 p.m. central time. Tickets are $15
Compton- Hall Isadore Assemblyman starting at 8 p.m. central time. Tickets are $25
Moscow- The Palace of Entertainment starting at 8 p.m. central time. Tickets are $45
Kampala- Kampala City Hall (outdoors) starting at 8 p.m. central time. Tickets are $15
Port-Au-Prince- downtown Port-Au-Prince (outdoors) starting at 7 p.m. central time. Tickets are $15
Compton- Hall Isadore Assemblyman starting at 8 p.m. central time. Tickets are $25
Distance between Destinations
Toronto-Moscow:4,648 miles, approximately 9 1/2 hours Southwest Airlines
Moscow-Kampala: 3,828 miles, approximately 8 hours Southwest Airlines
Kampala-Port-Au-Prince: 7,167 miles, approximately 17 1/2 hours Southwest Airlines
Port-Au-Prince-Compton:3,013 miles, approximately 6 hours Southwest Airlines
Moscow-Kampala: 3,828 miles, approximately 8 hours Southwest Airlines
Kampala-Port-Au-Prince: 7,167 miles, approximately 17 1/2 hours Southwest Airlines
Port-Au-Prince-Compton:3,013 miles, approximately 6 hours Southwest Airlines
This shows how Kendrick will travel. He will start in Toronto, take a plane to Moscow, then another plane to Uganda, and then to Port-Au-Prince. He will then take a cruise mini vacation to rest from his traveling and performing. The cruise will go to Miami, Florida, and then he will take a plan back to Compton where the tour will close.
Toronto-12% of people are truly Canadian, 64% of people are Christian, 2,615,000 people live in Toronto.
Moscow-92% of people are Russian, 53% of people are Russian Orthodox, 11, 794,000 people live in Moscow.
Kampala-97% of people are Ugandan, 65% of people are Bagandan(Ugandan religious group), 1,720,000 people live in Kampala.
Port-Au-Prince-Under 20% of people are Haitian, over 50% of people are Roman Catholic, 1,234,000 people live in Port-Au-Prince.
Compton-98% of people born in Compton, over 80% of people are Christian, 97,000 people live in Compton.
Moscow-92% of people are Russian, 53% of people are Russian Orthodox, 11, 794,000 people live in Moscow.
Kampala-97% of people are Ugandan, 65% of people are Bagandan(Ugandan religious group), 1,720,000 people live in Kampala.
Port-Au-Prince-Under 20% of people are Haitian, over 50% of people are Roman Catholic, 1,234,000 people live in Port-Au-Prince.
Compton-98% of people born in Compton, over 80% of people are Christian, 97,000 people live in Compton.